PCC CYA 3 - Penang Christian Centre Zone C - Young Adults CG 3

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Proverbs: House of Wisdom

Whenever I hear proverbs, I always remember the verse..
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"
We got to fear God in order to receive wisdom from God.

Today, I attended the class by Ps Thomas... I'm truly glad that I spent my Sunday afternoon usefully at church rather tha staying at home sleeping and doing nothing..
The class is more on discussion based. What do we do. Which of the statements that we are agreeing upon..

The session started of with us defining the difference between wisdom and knowledge.
Knowledge are facts or information we acquire from TV, Internet etc.
Wisdom is applying the knowledge that we know in a right way and able to discern what is right and wrong.

Towards the end.... we all agree that we got to fear the Lord in awe and reference... Fear the Lord and fear no men.... and make full use of life serving God. :)

It's not so much of what I learnt in the class that blessed me. It's more of knowing that I spent my time rightfully for receving God's words/wisdom. And it refreshes me, knowing that God loves me unconditionally, and forgives my wrongdoing and I'll still continue be blessed and God will continue to work in my life...............................!!

But, then, I'm pressured to obey on the Great commission........

Friday, May 18, 2007

Felix House Warming + May Birthdays

It was our first time to Felix' house located in BJ.

Being a bit lost with the apartments over there, I parked far away right at the place where I used to have Pan Mee for lunch.

We started the session by Ice breaker and P&W.
Then, Felix shared how God blessed him with the house.
Ps Thomas later explained the reason for House Cleansing, basically for God's protection and covering for the house, and denounce all the demons or spirits who used to lived there.

Cleansing session started with the master bed room - Pastor praying

Then the 2nd room.. wah.. Geoffrey full of expression..

Then the Guest room - Joseph's turn..

Followed by kitchen and the living room.... Amy and I..

Felix's Parents' blessings upon them..

House warming gift from the PCC CYA3.. ta-da....

And.. lastly..

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to Eunice and Nge Seng!!

Happy birthday to YOU!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Bible Study: Humility

I think.. the bible study we r doing this time is better compared to the previous one...
Somewhat, I was blessed each time with new sharing whenever we have the bible study...

For those who were not able to make it, what we learn was...
By humbling ourselves before GOD and willingly obeying God (whole heartedly) without grumbling and complaning, we could be true partners with God.. doing what is pleasing to him (excellent results)

Hm.. check out the link for our PCC 40 DOC.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Thought Corner: Is Jesus the captain of your soul?

As I sit in the bus, I realize I have about four hours to ponder about life so here I am writing something about it. Ever since I was young, I always compared my life to the analogy of a train. Imagine a train traveling down the tracks from one station to another. People get in and out of it depending on their chosen destination but many might not know the end of the journey the train is taking.

What happens when it has reached the last station in its line? Similarly in our lives some people stay longer in the train while some get off at the next station and its time to say goodbye. Many a times we concentrate too much on who gets in and out of our lives or which station are we heading to next or even think too much about the station we passed by a long time ago or linger on to memories of the people who got off the train ages ago. Remember that after the last station of our life there is no one left in the train and we go alone to meet our Lord. We can’t bring anything but ourselves.

Instead of wasting time on the past, the present or even the future which most of us do including me. Do any of us think who actually the captain of the train is? Wouldn’t the captain know all the details of the destination or even the people getting in and out of the train which in real life is oblivious to the train itself since it’s an object? Likewise, we do not know how many more stations we would pass or how many more people would come into our lives or even how long they intend to be part of our lives, if Jesus is our captain he will know our destination as He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. However personally I think most of us who have been independent would like to take over or try to maneuver to the direction we think is best or better still control who gets in and out of our train but Jesus on the other hand knows what’s best for us.

This made me think about my life. I hope you do too. I end with a song,

We're In This Thing - D. Huntsinger

People always talking sad and lonely, but you won’t hear that kind of talk from me.
Cause even though I too was once so lonely, now somebody’s walking close to me.

Cause we’re in this thing together, Jesus and me, Jesus and me.
We’re gonna fight a winning battle because we’ve got a team that just can’t be beat.

Oh, He’s my captain, and I follow close to Him.
When troubles face me, I don’t worry over them,
Because we’re in this thing together, Jesus and me, Jesus and me. (repeat)

Together forever! It’s gonna be Jesus and me!
You know it’s gonna be Jesus and me! Yeah!