Pastor Isaac
Isaiah 55
What is God saying to us this year?
1.) It's TIME to evaluate our prioritiesv1-2: people always wanting n pursueing over "something" more/newer/better, but when you obtained the something, you found out that the satisfaction is not the one that you hoped for.
"something"-->praise, distinction, flame, wealth, comfort, toys, entertainment, movies, relationships.. etc.....Real satisfaction comes from GOD. It is God's peace and blessings that we truly needed.
Spiritual Joy is the real joy that only God can give.
Point to ponder:~what are we seeking for in our life?~what are our highest priorities?~what is the thing that you must do?~what is the thing that you must do only if you have time?~it's time to stop chasing over things that will not provide satisfaction.~BEST thing in life is FREE! -->it will only costs you TIME. (joy of reading God's word, spiritual blessings from God..etc)2.) It's time to LISTEN and LIVE in His COVENANT love.v3,.. to hear and to live...
God speaks all the time, are you listening?
God offers his
v28.. my mercy I ll keep for him(David) forever..
v34.. my covenant i ll not break..
Jeremiah 33
v20.. if you can break the day and the night..
--> Cycle of day and night= God's faithful love to us that will not end.
It is a fresh ASSURANCE of God's covenant.Isaiah 55
v5.. people will see the EXCELLENCE LIFE we live under God's covenant & love.
v6.. it's time to seek the Lord and Trust in Him.
v8. God's ways are higher than our ways...
-->we must submit to His way
-->His ways are always for our GOOD..
-->We can trust the thoughts and intentions of God.
Book of Job..
Job had many questions in his mind.. He was seeking for ANSWERS... only after God spoke to him, his mentality shifted from "WHY?" to "WOW"...
-->When you are suffering.. you realized you DO NOT need the ANSWER, answer do not provides peace,
it is GOD PRESENCE that comforts you.
Everyday is a CHANCE to experience the mystery of God.
-->STOP searching for ANSWER.. Learn to
~you don't have to know all the answers, we can trust the TIMING of GOD.
~His timing is always PERFECT!
Romans 8:28 ALL things work together for GOOD..--> stressed on "ALL".. some part in your life may not be good, or it's getting even bitter.. but, you can be assured that ALL things worked together for GOOD.
Pastor Isaac encouraged us to read the bible chronologically TOGETHER this year.
God's word produces FRUITS. :)
This is WHY.. 2007 PCC stresses on