PCC CYA 3 - Penang Christian Centre Zone C - Young Adults CG 3

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Amen! :)

there is no such thing as “perfect” environment …
( or perfect job, or perfect church, or perfect organization… or perfect community … or perfect fellowship, or perfect relationships, or perfect friendships … )

Not on this side of heaven

we are an …
imperfect, fallen, fractured, messy, hopelessly screwed-up people
living …
imperfect, fallen, fractured, messy, hopelessly screwed-up lives
in an …
imperfect, fallen, fractured, messy, hopelessly screwed-up world

Life is MEMANG imperfect ( not to mention painful! ), so just gotta embrace all these painful imperfections and run with it!

BUT … there is ...

Beauty ... amidst Imperfection
Order ... amidst Messiness
Peace ... amidst Restlessness
Wholeness ... amidst Brokenness
Joy ... amidst Pain
Rock-solid Security ... amidst Choppy Waters

the Body of Christ = The Fellowship of the Broken
and ultimately, despite all these imperfections and painful broken-ness, in Him we can live a VICTORIOUS life ! :)

May 2007 be a GOOD year for us all ( as a cellgroup, as well as individually )

Not necessarily “good” as assessed by human eyes, but “good” in His eyes. No matter what happens ( the good, the bad, the ugly … ie. the not-so-nice stuff, the not-so-sweet stuff, the heart-breaking stuff, the spirit-breaking stuff, the painful stuff, the all-around wearying back-breaking stuff … ), as long as it is His Will ... and as long as we continually learn and grow ( and like good wine, mature and mellow with age ;) ...) , in our walk and relationship with Him, as well as with each other, ... and as long as we are being “continually transformed in His likeness” by Him,

then it WILL be a GOOD year :)


Similarly, if we can look back at 2006 ( the good,the bad, the ugly ... the heart-breaking and the bloody painful.. ) and see that at the end of this year, we are at a different place in our walk with Him than we were at the beginning of the year ( ... a higher plane? a deeper, sweeter fellowship with our Commander ... ), then no matter what, for all its ugly, painful bits ...

2006 was indeed a GOOD year ! :)

"...but when the darkness of dismay comes, endure it until it is over because out of it will come the ability to follow Jesus truly which brings inexpressibly wonderful joy ..." ( Oswald Chambers )

"...& I know that in my own life, the bitter waters of Marah have been followed by sweeter, deeper fellowship with my Lord & greater fruitfulness in His service..." ( Leroy Eims )

"... in the darkest hour, God lifts us up and works for us far beyond all we had ever asked or thought ... the darkest hour often precedes the most radiant dawn... it is impossible for you to suffer unjustly for His sake, truly to take up your cross and follow Him, without one day experiencing the exaltation by Him that He has promised..."( BSF Lesson 29, Series I )

CYA3, Happy New Year

It's a few more days before we start a fresh year... I hope and wish that we all would have a great year ahead of us..... my hopes and wishes for CG:

1) mOrE bonding among CG members
2) encourage one another to follow the bible reading plan and complete by end of the year
3) CG to grow , grow, G-R-O-W!
4) Be more involved in ministries (any sort, need help? look for fong yi)
5) membership at church (need help? look for me... :D)
6) do part time missions ( need help? look for belle.... )

=== Basically, hope to see more commitment among all............ and to create a perfect environment for fellowship.. =====

Today's ODB says... "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.."
Hm...... fear nothing but God... I'm still pondering..... as I still have lotsa fears.... fear only God.. to taste his goodness... *still pondering*

Since the network is still rather slow (Sadly, i hope no more earthquakes), no pictures.....

Saturday, December 30, 2006

CG makan.. 28 Dec 2006

oo.. A great fellowship of CYA3 members..celebrating the achievements of 2006.. and welcoming the fruitful and prosperous(yeah!) 2007!!!...

A New Year.. new resolutions.. wonderful blessings~ yess!!
Wish everyone Happy 2007!!!
Everybody has a awesome 2007...
May everyone prosper Spiritually, Financially, Health, relationships, love, work,business, church, ministries, family, personal goals, wisdom, travels.....every good stuffs...
Body no prosper but continue to slim.. kekekekeke~~
Oh yess.! May everyone rajin rajin complete the "Reading Plan 2007" :D

**photo wait the internet connection turn better first.. =.="

Connections indeed turn better today........
Johnny's is a nice place to go!
Food is nice.. Waiters are great and polite... and..most important.. not so cold........ kekekeke~~~

Thursday, December 21, 2006

CG Bonding...

Thought of some outing....to create the bonding among CG members...

1.) Kayakking--> Never do during the Christmas BBQ night.. mm..bila?
2.) Travelling--> this is a cool idea.. hahaa................. who want to go diving?
3.) Eat together after service... may be can try to eat eat or fellowship after service sometimes... not everytime lar of course.. hahaa..
4.) Berkelah.........
5.) Hiking......
6.) errr.....

haha.. Apa Macam?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Pre-Carollinggggg.... 17 dec 2006

amy amy.... day dreaming? :P
ah boy bernard....... our "silent night" solo singer..!

eee.. santa= your baby? :P
Home sweet home........................

More of BBQ Nite photos-- 16 December 2006

Depending on Torchlight.... The december born pretty ladies and handsome man! :D haahhaa...

wah.. muka pun sudah berminyak.... thank you for the hardwork.. the chicken, lamb and beef were fantastic!!! chicken yummy yummy~~~...


Love came down at.. .Christmas

Date: 17-Dec-2006
Time: 7pm-10pm
Venue: Fort Cornwallis, Penang


Finito. .... The End..

Christmas Carolling..17 Dec..

We wish you a merry Xmas in GH and Lam Wah EE hospital..

Preparing.... ready to go.. at GH

Falalala in Lam wah Ee...

Xmas BBQ

Some updates on the XMas Beach BBQ at Stella Maris, Tg Tokong.
We reached before 5pm and there was some drizzle........ and some dark clouds...
and as soon as we went up to the room, not too long... the rain poured....
Bye-bye to BBQ.... and beach..

After a little ice breaker session in the room, Thank God that the rain stopped completely.
We quickly went off for some beach games b4 the actual makan time started.

Merry Christmas to all..
and Happy birthday to the december babies... . Wan Ying, Chin Yin and Derek!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

A prayer..

I pray that as you proceed through this day that you will see God’s “gentle lights.” (Author) Max Lucado talks about “Doubtstorms.” He says “there are snowstorms; there are hailstorms; there are rainstorms; and there are doubtstorms.” He describes doubtstorms as “those turbulent days when the enemy is too big, the task is too great, the future too bleak, and the answers are too few.” But then he goes on to describe “gentle lights” as “God’s solutions for doubtstorms — not thunderbolts — not explosions of light — just gentle lights — visible evidence of the invisible hand. It’s soft reminders that optimism is not just for fools.”
He goes on to say, “When God comes, we doubters think, ‘all pain will flee. Life will be tranquil and no questions will remain.’ But because we look for the bonfire, we miss the candle. Because we listen for the shout, we miss the whisper. But it is in burnished candles that God comes and through whispered promises he speaks: ‘When you doubt, look around; I am closer than you think’.” I pray as you go through today you will look for and see God’s gentle lights.