PCC CYA 3 - Penang Christian Centre Zone C - Young Adults CG 3

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Wan Ying and Derek

Dear Wan Ying and Derek,

Have a blessed birthday!
May 2006 be a great year for you. Sorry for the belated wishes.... here.. haha..
God bless you both!

Aw.. look at the 2 birthday babies (december babies).... and I want that brownies again!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New Year 2006

It's another year, bringing new hopes for all.
Let's enjoy what God is going to bless and offer us this year and forget what lies behind. :D

Our MISSIONS compiled during our ice breaker session

"I want to be a good, caring friend to all who know me + hopefull a loving husband"

Fong Yi
" to be able to continue to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle that I will not be a slave to work"

" to glorify God in whatever I do"

" Consistently grow in my relationship with Christ"

" To share God's grace and mercy to others"

Mei Yi
" to love and to be loved by all"
" to stay united among one another and maintain a good, healthy relationship with everyone"